Saturday, August 31, 2013

Funny the things that come to mind as you're driving along .. words that pop out of no where, or maybe it's the wind blowing out all the cobwebs that have collected between your ears in the past couple weeks.  And oh does that wind feel good.  Tossing my hair every which way, windows down, sun roof open in my Trail Blazer as I head into Rockland to do a "chucks and wipes" run.

I took 2 semesters of Creative Writing.  I loved it and the first semester we learned LOTS of vocabulary words.  Words that I imagine I've forgotten but were drilled into my brain, their spelling and their meaning.  I was good at memorizing back then and always got 100% on vocabulary tests.  I know I wouldn't do so good if tested today.

I'll be writing something, or talking to someone and a word pops out of my mouth or onto the paper and if I'm asked what it means, I'll feel a little timid about answering because I'm really not sure where it came from or if I'm certain I know the meaning.  99% of the time, when I look it up, I'm relieved to discover I had used it correctly in the sentence. 

I'm sorry I can't remember my Creative Writing teacher's name, it must be in there somewhere, along with all those other words drilled into me.  I would thank her, wherever she may be, these 35 years later.

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