Friday, October 14, 2011

Well, I love a rainy night ...

Sitting by a cozy wood stove that hubby promptly started when he got home because he knew his "babe would probably like one tonight" when he goes off to play hockey.  That being done while I made quesadillas for the two of us; our belly's are now full and all is cozy.  And the rain comes down.

I think I'll save my custard for later.

I am trying to contain myself, but I am extremely anxious to get my hands on that grand son of mine.  Hopefully Trevor got home in a timely fashion and they were able to leave as planned, although Maxwell has his first cold and isn't quite himself .  Late tonight Trevor drops Ashley and Max off at Maxwell's Auntie Bri Bri's before he continues on his way to Orono for Homecoming Weekend. (good thing adrenaline can keep a guy awake!) Tomorrow we meet Briana and crew somewhere below Bath and bring them the rest of the way to Gramma and Grampy's house.  SQUEAL! 

Brad just told me a friend of ours who is a Scout Master is out camping with his scouts tonight.  Gotta be thankful for a warm DRY bed and a roof over my head!  Hopefully they don't all  "catch their 'death a pneumonia' " (as I was often told I might when I was just a grasshopper myself)

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